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Refuge Request Protocol

This protocol is a legal document that functions as an identity document, with the ability to withdraw your CPF (RIF in Venezuela), work card, open a bank account, withdraw the SUS card, among other important documents. Due to the fact that this document is valid for one year, it must be pending to renew it before its expiration, and it is necessary to wait for the request to be made for the refugee to be filed, with the consequent damage to your condition of legal permanence in Brazil.

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Generally the refugees who come from Boa Vista and have this document in hand. If so, what you need to do is update the data registered in CONARE (National Committee for Refugees), but by means of this contact you will be notified of the close and time for the interview. Pay attention to this notification, as the unjustified lack of this interview could also cause the filing of your request for refuge.

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If you want to get information about the march of your process, please contact [email protected] , sending a copy of the Refugee Status Recognition Request Protocol. To update your address, send an email to [email protected] .

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To request the renewal of your protocol, go to the nearest Federal Police unit. It is estimated that there are currently 86,000 applications for refugee applications. Due to the time needed to regularize the processes, it could take a long time. In order to facilitate the regularization of immigrants who leave Brazil, the Federal Government issued Interministerial Ordinance No. 15. Based on this ordinance, it is possible to request temporary residency in the country, all of your personal documents, this is justified by the condition of vulnerability with which you have been exposed. to leave Venezuela. This is an alternative for all those who have not opted for the recognition of the condition of refugees due to the long queue. The request should be hacked at a Federal Police headquarters site .

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Difference between Refugio and residencia temporal:

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  1. Residence permit for reasons of migratory policy. Interministerial Ordinance number 09 + 15

  2. Residencia authorization for a determined time of 2 years

  3. Emisión inmediata del RNM (National Migration Registry)

  4. Protocol does not have photo and CRNM is not issued automatically (difficult)

  5. Allows free entry and exit

  6. National / complementary migratory protection

  7. Assessment of the condition of economic insufficiency to apply the tax exemption for obtaining migratory regularization documents and payment of fines

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  1. Ley refugitude application number 9.474 / 97

  2. Residence permit for an indefinite period (renewable)

  3. Use of DP-MRI (protocol) without own number

  4. The DP-RNM has the photo and has immediate emission (ease)

  5. Salida del País through communication to CONARE (RN 23)

  6. International protection

  7. Exento de tasas

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Documents that must be presented:

  1. Request sheet available on the Federal Police website debilely.

  2. 02 (dos) 3×4 photos;

  3. Identity card or passport

  4. Departure of birth the Act of Matrimony (if the filiation data in the documents of item 3 does not appear).

  5. Negative certification of criminal record of the states in which he has resided in Brazil in the last five years.

  6. Proof of payment of corresponding takeaways if there is no exemption (to obtain an takeaway exemption must present a declaration of economic insufficiency). If you need more information visit the website ).

One of the difficulties reported by the refugees is the lack of a national document containing the person’s filiation data. This information would only need to apply for temporary residency, to apply for refuge in the Venezuelan ID card, and there is no information about it, due to the crisis affecting public services in the country, to obtain documents such as the Act of Marriage, Departure of Birth or any useful document is a slow and down payment for anyone who needs to leave the country.

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Important Note: Asylum seekers in the debentures of Brazil without having authorization from CONARE the process may be filed. In the address below, there is a variety of information that may interest you about the immigration documentation:

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CNH – Cartera Nacional de Habilitación:

Manage in Brazil with a foreign driving license:

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A foreign citizen can drive in Brazil for 180 days from the moment of disembarkation in his Brazilian territory, if he has a valid international foreign license. In order to be able to drive in 180 days, it will be necessary only for physical, mental and psychological tests according to the regular requirements that are required to obtain the CNH – Resolution 193 of May 26, 2006 – DETRAN.

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The CNH is a document that shows that you are able to drive vehicles in Brazil and are mandatory for those who are handling them. It also functions as a valid identity card throughout the national territory. On the other hand, if you are interested in working with motor vehicles in Brazil, it is important to know if your license is within the correct category to exercise your profession,

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Warning! Handling without a CNH is considered a serious offense , which generates a fine and retention of the vehicle (the values ​​are high, both for the fine and for removing the vehicle from the DETRAN patio). See more about this in the chapter on laws and social rules).

CNH categories in Brazil:

CNH type “A” category : This is the license that qualifies for the “A” category that authorizes the handling of motorized vehicles of the three wheels with the sidecar. For example: motorcycles, scooters and tricycles.

CNH type “B” category : Within all existing CNH categories, this is the most common. Category “B” includes self-propelled vehicles with up to a maximum of 3500 kg. This is the category of passenger cars. It is important to remember that category B does not enable the driver to drive vehicles on the three wheels. In order to be able to drive both passenger cars and motorcycles or tricycles, it is necessary to apply for a driving license for the categories “A” and “B”.

CNH type “C” category: In this category the licenses for cargo vehicles that exceed 3500 kg and have up to 8 people. Included here are tractors and agricultural machinery. To obtain a license in this category, it is necessary to obtain a license in category “B” with an advance notice.

Category of CNH type “D” : If your intentions are to drive a bus (bus), the category that you should look for is “D”. With this license, the driver is authorized to drive passenger transport vehicles with more than one seat. To achieve this license, the candidate must be 21 years old and have obtained the “C” category license for at least 1 year and the “B” category with 2 years of age.

CNH category type “E” : Finally, the “E” category authorizes the handling of vehicles that use the units, the first one must fit in the categories “B”, “C” or “D”, and the second, the coupled unit, must have more than 6,000 kg or exceed three places the equivalent of a trailer. To obtain this license, you need more than 21 years and have been at least for a year in the “C” or “D” categories.

In Brazil, only 18 years old who can read and write can handle. Each state of the Federation has a different fee to issue the CNH, in addition to the cost of driving.

Documents that must be presented at DETRAN units in your city:

  1. Original and copy of RG (Cartera de Identidad Brasileña) RNE (Registro Nacional de Extranjero) (original and certified copy)

  2. Original and copy of CPF.

  3. License from the country of origin that cannot be expired (original and certified copy)

  4. Sworn translation (only after checking document information) (original)

  5. Original and copy of proof of residence (light, water, telephone) containing your name and zip code (Postal Address Code) that are received.

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You will also have to pay the fees (foreign registration fee, medical examination fee and sicotechnical examination fee) for the process and for psychological, physical and mental assessment.

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Cartera de Trabajo e Seguridad Social – CTPS:

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All workers in Brazil who want to have an updated work situation under their CTSP. This document is mandatory to present to the employer for paid work, and is governed by the CLT – Consolidación de las leyes laborales. Anyone who has lost their CTPS must request the duplicate. The workforce is required as a working time, jubilation, performance insurance and other social security obligations.

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The character of the foreign workers is a little different from that of the Brazilian, as long as the color of the cover and content is referred to. All of them must be computerized and have a bar code. If you do not have this code, you must update it.

Documents required for obtaining foreign CTPS:

  • Extranjero Identity Card.

  • Tax Registration (Individual Taxpayer Registry – CPF);

  • Proof of residence with zip code. (Postal Code)

Exceptionally, when there is an operational impediment to issue the computerized document, a 3×4 photo will be required, white background, with closed, colored and recipient, which fully identifies the applicant.

Documentation to have access to government social benefits:

Bolsa familia : La Bolsa Familia is a Federal Government program that helps families living in extreme poverty, poor families with embarassed women, children and teenagers who need an additional income to be able to live with the dignity and quality of life.

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Conditions for obtaining Bolsa Família:

  • The person responsible for the family must live at home and have less than 16 years of age.

  • The responsible person has to know how to give information about all members of the family.

  • The responsable, preferably woman, must have the voter registration number (CPF).

  • You must present proof of residence and update the registration in the Bolsa Família if you have a change such as: change of address, births, married couples or divorces.

Values ​​of the Bolsa Familia in year 2019 (these values ​​are updated each year):

  • Basic Family Grant: R $ 89.00 per month, regardless of the number of family members.

  • Variable Family Grant: R $ 41.00 per month per person, families with children up to 15 years of age and embarazadas women. Each family can receive up to 5 benefits, which can be accumulated with the basic benefit.

  • Variable Family Scholarship for young people R $ 41.00 per month, families with young people from 16 to 17 years old who are enrolled and attending school. The family may include auctions from young people for their benefit.

  • Bolsa Familia overcoming extreme poverty: these benefits are defined based on an income analysis, you can accumulate basic benefits including young people, their value is limited to $ 372.00 reais per month.

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Refugees who meet the eligibility requirements of the Bolsa Família and who have a monthly fee of R $ 178.00 per person, who are in school and studying, who have the vaccination calendar for the day and even more regular situation in Brazil, presenting at least the CPF the Cartera de Trabajo, qualify for the possibility of receiving the Bolsa Familia.

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How to get the description. It is necessary to carry out a registration and identification of each family called Single Registry for social programs or simply CadÚnico. You must go to a CRAS – Reference Center for Social Assistance in the municipality and request registration. It is possible, then, that you will receive a visit from a social worker who will register your family. For more information, please call 0800 726 0207. Customer Service to the Citizen. This call is totally free.

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Maternity Salary Pregnant scholarship: This benefit forms part of the Bolsa Familia. It can be paid during the next few months of pregnancy and extended during the baby’s lactation period for up to 15 months. Benefit amount R $ 41.00.

Eligibility factors:

  • Have a maximum of 4 children under 15 years.

  • Monthly income less than R $ 178.00 reais for each member of the family.

  • Prueba de embarazo del SUS.

  • The value will be multiplied if there are no gemelos.

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SUS Card: This is the official identification document for attention to the SUS, National Health Card (SUS Card). Information related to your health, appointments (appointments) for appointments and exams are recorded and guarantee access to free medicines. This card must be requested from the Basic Health Units (UBS) with the presentation of the RNE (National Registry of Foreigners), the protocol and the CPF. Generally pending proof of residence.

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Therefore, whenever you need health services to retrieve your documents, including the SUS card. If it changes direction, actualícelo.

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Electricity / water connection: In Brazil, the electrical energy is offered by electric energy concessionaires and the water is offered by the sanitation companies. Try to find out about the companies responsible for the distribution of water and the light in your state.

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To request a new connection of electric power or water for your residence, go personally to an agency and pay attention to the request.

Generally necessary documents:

  • Identity card or other document with photo.

  • CPF and address confirmation

  • Document of property ownership in the contract of renter

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Attention: Water and energy bills paid by the user. For that sake. No cockroaches and no money on the assumption.

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Bank account: Having a bank account can make your life much easier. In addition, many companies pay their workers with bank deposits. Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal are from public banks that facilitate the opening of bank accounts; however, you can open it in other banks, but you have to comply with the requirements that they require. Many of the Venezuelans we accompany in the process of cultural adaptation have opened a savings account (savings account) in the Caixa Econômica Federal.

Documents required to open a bank account at the Federal Savings Bank:

  • Document of identification (RNE the protocol of request of refuge or the residence)

  • CPF

  • Receipt of residency reciente

  • Ticket of Expenses (except for the CAIXA Fácil and Savings account (ahorros) CAIXA)

There is no minimum amount to open a quarter of an hour, but a quarter with the right balance and no movement for 180 days is automatically cut. La cuenta de ahorros (savings) de la Caixa is exempt from taxes.

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* This material is part of the brochure of Venezuelan immigrants, prepared by Equipo Brasil Un Corazón que Acoge (Fraternidade sem Fronteira) and Hermanitos.

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