
According to the Child and Adolescent Statute, all children under the age of 4 to 17 must be enrolled in the school. Failure to comply with this duty could generate a procedure before the guardianship councils and the juvenile court (Courts of Childhood) for negligence. Those priests who do not enroll their minors may be held responsible for noncompliance with their family power or for intellectual abandonment, and are considered a crime here in Brazil, and could be penalized with a 15-day to 1-month jail term, the fine.

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In addition to enrolling them, the priests have to follow their school’s follow-up so that they have an appropriate approval and must guarantee class assistance.


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  • Daily assistance is very important. The absences were counted and if they were too much, they could cause the loss of school year in the school as well as the grades being good.

  •   When there is an excess of absences, the Councilor Tutelar, the body responsible for watching over the children and adolescents’ rights, can be summoned, and the priests will be called to clarify the reasons for the absences. La lluvia is not considered a reason to miss classes. There were months in Brazil during which I had a lot of time and I need to get used to it.

The Guideline and Bases law states that the school year must have 200 school days and an amount that is missing more than 50 days, it cannot be promoted near the school year. The school must immediately notify the Consejo Tutelar in case of 30% of absences (equivalent to 15 absences). In consequence, his solo must be missing the school in really necessary cases, such as sickness. The intense rain (even if you’re not used to it) is no reason to miss class. The schools require that students keep their schedule. Problems are avoided, whether asymptomatic or punctual.

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The school year starts with the month of febrero ends starting the month of school. In July there is a school break of approximately five days. But in the last years the hub of the Spanish cities in Brazil, and as the situation changed a lot, it could be that others in the near future. In these cases, due to the need to complete the 200 academic days, Las Escuelas en el huelga completes the period during the time that would be destined for vacations. Asimism is common that offers classes on Saturdays.

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Division in series:

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In Brazil the responsibility for education is divided into the following form:

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  1. The municipalities are responsible for providing basic education, making decisions, guardianships, preschools and primary education.

  2. The states must prioritize media education and act in partnership with the municipalities to offer schools of primary education.

  3. The Federation is responsible for organizing the system as a whole and regulating the higher education.

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The children ‘s education is aimed at children from 0 to 5 years old, primary education, from 1 to 9 years old, to children from 6 to 14 years old and the average education from 1 to 3 years old, basically to teenagers from 15 to 17 years old.

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Youth and Adult Education (EJA): The EJA is aimed at young people and adults who, in the end, finish their primary education in the media.

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Technical Education: The technical course is a course that prepares people for the labor market and professional qualifications for various sectors of the economy. It can be taken at the same time with the average education and lasts less time than a higher education course.

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Higher Education : To enroll in higher education it is necessary to complete media education. Then, the student could apply for a vacancy at universities or colleges. Each institution defines its entry criteria. Many use the result obtained in the ENEM (Examen Nacional de la Enseñanza Media) as a criterion. The ENEM is a problem applied in the last year of Enseñanza Media. Other faculties apply to their own problems (this process is a vestibular call). In some cases, in addition to passing through the selective process, it is necessary that foreigners carry out an examination in Portuguese language. Some Universities offer exclusive vacancies for refugees and people with a humanitarian aim.


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Recommended documents for registration of foreigners in schools in Brazil:

  • Copy of the birth start;

  • 02 (dos) 3×4 photos received;

  • Proof of your domicile (receipt of water or light in the name of the person requesting)

  • Copy the identity document of the priest, responsible person;

  • School transcript, when originating from another school;

  • It is recommended to take the RNE – Registro Nacional de Extranjero.

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If the documents do not contain the aforementioned documents, they will in all cases be registered, since the documents are a recommendation and are not mandatory. When there is no document that includes the level of schooling, it is possible to identify the level that is best for a number of different ways. The process could be carried out through a class of classification or it could be carried out by class of correspondence by age / level. The educational institution will define the process that will be used following the rules of the municipality the state where the minor resides.

Uniform and school supplies:

The gratuity of these articles varies from place to place. In Belo Horizonte, for example, la alcaldía (prefecture) offers free uniforms and kits of school supplies for children and elementary school students. But the government of the State of Minas Gerais does not offer them, depending on the place where they live, the priests will need to buy the new articles. Therefore, find out if you should buy these items so that they include your expenses.

Class schedule:

The time of entry and departure from schools may vary. However, usually the classes are in the afternoon or in the morning. Getting vacancies in schools that work on shifts is very difficult. Remember that children are not allowed to leave the school after finishing classes.

Revalidate of foreign diplomas:

The revalidation of the diploma is a process created by the Brazilian government to authenticate the diplomas acquired in foreign institutions, both at the level of preacher, postgraduate, master and doctorate. The resolution that deals with revalidation establishes that the solo processes can be analyzed by public universities, with the exception of postgraduate “STRICTO Sensu” that are recognized by public or private institutions.

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The professional interested in carrying out the revalidation of his foreign diploma must access the platform , and check all the necessary information for the procedure.

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In Manaus , to obtain more information on registration, you can access the following sites (in Portuguese):

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Basic education (3 to 10 years):

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Enseñanza media (young people and adults):

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* This material is part of the brochure of Venezuelan immigrants, prepared by Equipo Brasil Un Corazón que Acoge (Fraternidade sem Fronteira) and Hermanitos.